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  1. 归纳总结(v.):conclude, summarize
  2. 方法(n.):methodology, means to do (of doing), way to do (of doing), method of, approach to doing, take measures, steps
  3. 分析:analysis,
  4. Proposed, Presented, State that, Described, Illustrated, Indicated, has shown, showed, Address, Highlights
  5. 发现、注意、知道:characterize, find, notice, know
  6. 原因 / 结果: reason (for), cause (of), result, effect, consequence, findings
  7. 优缺点: Strengths and weaknesses, merits and demerits,merits and drawbacks, advantages and disadvantages
  8. 种类:kind, type, category, class



i.e.id est(“that is” , “in other words”。进一步解释用,意为:也就是)的缩写。目的是用来进一步解释前面所说的观点(不像后文的e.g.那样引入实例来形象化),意思是“那就是说,换句话说”。

【Example】And you have to cross reference this time/effort analysis to the results (i.e., the bugs) that the effort yielded.

  • 它后面最好紧跟着一个逗号,再跟一个解释。


e.g.exempli gratia(“for example; for instance;such as”。举例用,意为:例如)的缩写,其目的用若干例子来让前面说法更具体,更易感知。

【Example】I like sports, e.g., football.

  • 在使用中,e后的“.”不要遗漏。
  • 在使用中,最好把e.g.连同它的例子放在括号中,如例句


etc.et cetera(“and so forth; and the others; and other things; and the rest; and so on"。举例用,意为:等等)的缩写。它放在列表的最后,表示前面的例子还没列举完,最后加个词“等等”。

【Example】 I need to go to the store and buy some pie, milk, cheese, etc.

  • etc.前面要有逗号。
  • **一般不要在e.g.的列表最后用etc( 在including后的列表后也不宜使用etc)。**这是因为 e.g. 表示泛泛的举几个例子,并没有囊括所有的实例,其中就已经包含“等等”,如果再加一个 etc. 就多余了。


viz.videlicet( “namely”, “towit”, “precisely”, “that is to say”。进一步解释用,意为:即)的缩写,与e.g.不同,viz位于同位列表之前,要把它前面单词所包含的项目全部列出。

【Example 1】The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, viz. Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.(该校提供两个模块用于英语作为外语的教学,即语言教学的原理方法和应用语言学。)
【Example 2】In this paper, a new TDNN architecture with two input variable, viz. wave form and its phase difference, is developed to reduce the grain noise.(本文提出了一种新的TDNN结构用于降低粗晶材料结构噪声,该结构具有波形及其相位差组成的双变量输入。)

  • viz.后面无逗号。

et al.

et al.et alia(“and others; and co-workers”。在引用文献作者时用,意为:等其他人)的缩写。它几乎都是在列文献作者时使用,即把主要作者列出后,其它作者全放在et al. 里面。

【Example 1】These results agree with the ones published by Pelon et al. (2002).
【Example 2】 Clegg et al. (1995) explain that in the electronics industry linear-programming models can be used to analyse the viability of the recovered parts in remanufacturing.(克莱格等人(1995)解释说,电子行业的线性规划模型可以用来分析在再制造过程中回收零部件的可行性。)

  • 人的场合用et al,而无生命的场合用etc.(et cetera)。
  • et后不要加“.”,因为et不是缩写。另外,与etc.不同,et al.的前面不要逗号。


平时文献中看到的s.t.(后面附带公式),一般对应的是subject to的缩写,后面对应的公式是约束条件,“使得…满足…”的意思,用于优化问题;但这个词比较特殊的是,它也可以作为such that的缩写,对应为“如此…以至于…,如此这般”的意思,用于数学证明等问题。上面两种释义在数学中较为常用,而且与上面的缩写词汇不同的是,它是地地道道的英语缩写。


  1. Preposition
    s.t. Alternative form of subject to, used in optimisation problems.

  2. Conjunction
    s.t. (mathematics) Abbreviation of such that.
    Given r s.t. r<n…

  3. 介词
    subject to的替代词,用于优化问题。

  4. 连词
    (数学)such that的缩写,例如事例:
    给定 r,使r满足r<n。


Summary 概要

  1. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section 5.
  2. Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation.
  3. Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research.
  4. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized
  5. A basic problem in the design of … is presented by the choice of a … rate for the measurement of experimental variables.
  6. The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision.
  7. The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile … algorithm.
  8. The usefulness of … is also considered.
  9. A brief methodology used in xx is discussed.
  10. The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem.
  11. A model is developed for a … analysis using ….
  12. The use of the method is discussed and an example is given.
  13. Results of an experimental applications of this … analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique.
  14. This paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching ….
  15. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the … in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated.
  16. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of ….
  17. A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational procedure.

Introduction & Preparation of Models


Our work

  1. In this paper, we focus on the need for ……
  2. This paper proceeds as follow.
  3. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts
  4. To begin with, we will provide a brief background on the ….
  5. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, ……; then ……; lastly, …….

Body 正文主体

Objective/ Goal / Purpose 目标

  1. The ultimate goal of …… is to allow the non experts to utilize the existing knowledge, and to provide intelligent, computer aided instruction.
  2. The scope of this research lies in …….
  3. The main theme of the paper is …….
  4. These objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and confidence as to permit …(优化目标)
  5. In order to (In a gesture to) achieve these objectives, an …… must meet the following requirements:
  6. For the sake of concentrating on … research issues.
  7. A major thrust (driver) of the paper is to discuss approaches and strategies for structuring … methods.
  8. Point out that the problem of … .

Problem / Issue / Question 提出问题

  1. Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined model. They tend to span broad activities and require consideration of multiple aspects.
  2. Remedy(补救) / solve(解决) / alleviate(减轻) these problems
  3. … is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved.
  4. The traffic issue is a hard nut to crack.
  5. Two major problems have yet to be addressed
  6. This problem in essence involves using …… to obtain a solution.


  1. In order to prove…., we used…
  2. We have set up….
  3. To demonstrate…., we further…

Comparison 对比

  1. Consistently/Consistent with…
  2. Compared with….

Cite 引用

  • (algorithm) The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile … algorithm.
  • (study)Studies of receiver biases suggest that such analogies might not be broadly applicable.
  • (study)Previous studies of …… had emphasized potential advantages to group-signaling organization .
  • (study)State that preferences evolve indirectly because they are genetically correlated with male traits that are under direct selection; that is, the preferences themselves are not under direct selection.

Transition 过渡

  1. The basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are drawn.
  2. So we next explored….



发布时间:2020年03月08日 - 22:40:21


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